Everything you need to know about Cloud

7 min readMay 28, 2021


In the last two decades, the cloud has stormed the technology world. Through all aspects of digital transformation and new technologies, it is being used too frequently. However, the failure to understand cloud computing means that we take this critical technology for granted. To better appreciate the cloud, a better understanding of it as a concept is needed. So, let’s take a look together at its different aspects.

1-What is cloud computing

A simple definition of cloud computing is the delivery of various services over the Internet. These assets include data storage, servers, databases, networking, and apps, among other tools and applications.

Thus, rather than storing files on a private hard disk or local storage device, cloud-based storage allows them to be saved to a remote database. As long as a computer system has internet connectivity, it has access to data and the software programs needed to run it.On the other hand, in businesses Improved connectivity and productivity, as well as major cost savings, are all advantages of cloud computing. It entails enhanced data security, increased affordability, and increased access to cutting-edge technology.

2-How does it work?

To grasp how cloud computing operates, it can be divided into two parts: the front-end and the back-end. The front end allows users to view data stored in the cloud via an internet browser or cloud storage applications. The backend, on the other hand, is the key component of cloud computing, responsible for securely storing data and information. It is composed of servers, devices, databases, and central servers that help with operations by adhering to a collection of protocols. It employs middleware software to ensure seamless communication between computers connected through cloud computing. Cloud storage service providers typically keep several copies of the data to prevent security risks, data loss, data breach, and other issues.

3-Why is it called cloud computing?

Cloud computing as a term, can give you the impression that it is related to weather forecasting, but it has nothing to do with such a thing, so Have you ever actually wondered why and where did it come from?

“ Cloud comes from the early days of Internet where we drew the network as a cloud…we didn’t care where the message went- the cloud hid it from us “ , Kevin Marks.

Bloger.com reports that the cloud computing term was based on the cloud sign in the early 1994, that was used in flow charts and graphs to describe the Internet. In other words, it is used as a symbol on the basis of a generic use of a cloud-like form to illustrate the Internet in computer network schemes as an abstraction of the technology underpinning it.

4-History of cloud computing?

Since the early 2000s the term cloud computing has been around, but the concept of computing-as-a-service was present since the 1960s, when computer offices enabled businesses to rent time on a mainframe instead of buying one.

The emergence of corporate data centers, where corporations stored large quantities of data, made computer ownership much cheaper.

But there has been a repeated resumption of the idea of rental access to computing power. Followed by cloud computing, software has really come up as a service and a hyperscale provider of cloud computing, like Amazon Web Services.

5-How important is the cloud?

According to 451 Research, Hosting and cloud services would account for at least one-third of IT enterprise spending starting from 2019. Half of global companies using the cloud would have gone all-in by 2021.

6-Types of cloud services: IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) : which is often defined as IaaS, includes the main cloud IT building blocks, usually accessing network functions, computers (virtual or hardware) and data storage space. Infrastructure as a Service gives you the highest degree of flexibility and management control over your IT resources and is very close to the IT resources currently available to many IT services and developers.

Platform as a Service (PaaS) : Platforms as a service eliminate the need for organizations to maintain the underlying infrastructure (generally hardware and operating systems) and enable you to concentrate on the implementation and management of your applications. This makes you more effective because you don’t have to think about resource acquisition, power planning, software maintenance, patching, or any of the other undifferentiated heavy work required to run your application.

Software as a Service (SaaS) : Software as a Service (SaaS) offers you a fully functional product that is managed and maintained by the service provider. The majority of the time, when people talk about Software as a Service, they’re talking about end-user applications. You don’t have to worry about how the service is maintained or how the underlying infrastructure is operated when you use a SaaS offering; all you have to do is think about how you’ll use that particular piece of software. Web-based email is a typical example of a SaaS application since it allows you to send and receive email without having to handle feature additions to the email product or maintain the servers and operating systems on which the email program is running.

7-Leading Cloud Computing Companies

In 2021 cloud computing became the IT paradigm, with firms focusing as a service provider more on conventional vendors, accelerating the digital transformation initiatives and enabling a new standard in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. And with more multicloud arrangements being deployed, IT budgets are primarily being used by cloud giants.

Here are the top 10 Leading Cloud Computing Companies

· Serverspace

· phoenixNAP

· Cloudways

· pCloud

· Amazon Web Services

· Microsoft Azure

· Google Cloud Platform

· Adobe

· IBM Cloud

· Oracle Cloud

8-Cloud computing advantages and disadvantages

As we already realize, cloud computing is popular as a technology. Nearly all enterprises moved to the cloud to enhance their market growth. Yet as any technology, cloud has its advantages and disadvantages. So lets highlight some of them together.

Advantages :

Back-up and restore data: It is easier to back up and retrieve data with the cloud as data is saved in the cloud.

Improved collaboration: Cloud apps enhance teamwork, allowing groups of individuals to exchange information efficiently and conveniently through pooled storage in the cloud.

Excellent accessibility: Cloud helps us to access data store conveniently and reliably anywhere in the world with a web connection. An internet cloud infrastructure improves the competitiveness and effectiveness of the enterprise by ensuring that the data are indeed available.

Low maintenance cost: Cloud storage cuts expenses for enterprises for both hardware and software maintenance.

Mobility: Cloud storage enables us to access all cloud data securely through mobile devices.

iServices in the pay-per-use model: Cloud gives users access on the cloud Application Programming Interface (APIs) and pay the fee for service use.

Unlimited storage capacity: Cloud gives us enormous storage space in a one place to store key data, including records, photographs, audio, video, etc.

Data security: Data confidentiality is one of cloud computing’s greatest benefits. Cloud provides numerous sophisticated encryption capabilities and assures safe data storage and management.


Internet Connectivity: As you know, any data (image, audio, video, etc.) stored on the cloud we access it through the cloud using the Internet. You cannot access these data if you do not have decent internet connectivity. Nevertheless, we have no other method to access cloud data.

Vendor lock-in: The most significant disadvantage to cloud computing is vendor lock-in. When moving services from one vendor to another, organizations can encounter difficulties. Since various providers have different services, switching from one cloud to another can be challenging.

Limited Control: As we know, the service provider owns, operates and supervises the cloud infrastructure entirely, so the cloud users have less of control over the function and implementation of services in a cloud infrastructure.

Security: While providers of cloud services follow the best safety practices to store essential information, you should be mindful that before you embrace cloud technologies, you can give all confidential details about your company to a third parties, — for example a cloud storage provider. When you send data to the cloud, Hackers could breach the information in your organization.

9-Future of Cloud Computing

Despite its long history, cloud computing is only in its early stages of growth. Many companies are now deciding where and which software to migrate. As a result, rather than relying solely on pricing, cloud computing providers are gradually promoting cloud computing as a catalyst for digital transformation. moving to the cloud will help businesses reinvent corporate practices and drive business transformation by breaking down data and organizational silos. This point may appeal to some businesses looking to build momentum for their digital transformation; but, as the costs of making the transition mount, excitement for the cloud may wane.

So, if you are a new graduate and want to get a job anywhere in the world, or you are a business owner who is into Cloud Computing and want to invest in such appealing technology in order to grow your business, Future Skills Institute gives you the opportunity to master all the functionalities and tools related to cloud computing following our trainings in Microsoft Azure and many more. So, what are you waiting for to get ready for a new business adventure? Contact us and “Dare to be the best” at what you do.

Mariem Oueslati

Communication Officer at FSI.

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Written by FSI

FSI is a training academy, with the main goal of closing the skills gap in IT field created by the fast evolution of technology and the constant changes of IT.

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